Unsettled Mkungula Rejoined DPP

Barely after six months having failed to secure a political position he wanted in the United Transformation Movement (UTM) the former Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) deputy director of Legal Affairs, Dr Francis Mkungula has rejoined his party.
Mkungula joined UTM six months ago but only to return to DPP claiming that the Movement has failed to utilize his political skills.
“I am back to my party the mighty DPP because has UTM failed to utilize my political experience so I thought it wise to return and help in rebuilding our party,” Mkungula said.
Mkungula once served as legislator for Ntcheu Bwanje North between 2014-2019 on Thursday told local media that he is returning to DPP is because because UTM is not ambitious enough to make use of his political skills.
Dubbed the prodigal son, Mkungula was welcomed back into DPP by the Eastern Regional Governor, Sheikh Emran Mtenje.
“Everyone should feel free to join or rejoin the party are rebuilding the DPP in readiness for 2025 tripartite elections,” Mtenje said.
However, some UTM members have reacted to Mkungula’s assertions accusing him to lacksl rightful political principles hence continued jumping from one political party to another in search for greener pasture.