Parliamentarian Goes Farming With Constituents


Member of Parliament for Mzimba-Luwerezi, Sam Chirwa is continuing going around in his constituency encouraging his subjects to work hard in their farms to evade hunger.

Since his return from the last sitting of Parliament the Parliamentarian sought of camping in his constituency to monitor farming activities including the management of this year’s Affordable Input Programme (AIP) which is reported to be chaotic in most parts of the country.

Despite ugly scenes at most AIP fertilizer selling points in Mzimba district, the Parliamentarian thought of going around encouraging people to remain focused.

“The management of this year’s Affordable Inputs Program is very disappointing, but still more I have been going around encouraging people to work hard in their fields to evade hunger,” Chirwa said.

Wherever, the youthful Parliamentarian is going he is distributing iron sheets, clothes which includes; jackets, trousers, shirts, dresses, new pair of shoes, salt, sugar, bath and laundry soaps to support livelihoods of the vulnerable households.

 “These are small human daily needs which people in the villages wants, l am giving for free just help them so that they know that their leader is around to support them during this farming season,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Mzimba-Luwerezi and United Transformation Movement law maker is running up and down to ensure that every farming household registered in this year’s Affordable Input Programme procures the cheap seeds and fertilizers.