Mzuni Lecturer Launches A Book

A Mzuzu University (Mzuni) Senior Lecturer in Intellectual Property, Misheck Banda is this Friday evening launching a book titled “Now that I’m Dead, Resurrection can Begin”.
Speaking to Malawi Daily Telegraph, Banda says the book to be launched at the University’s campus is a collection of plays imagining a continued existence beyond death.
“The storyline in three of the five plays in this book touch on experiences of the afterworld, where characters continue to interact or give perspective of things happening either in the world of the living or the dead and where souls possibly gather, waiting for a possible resurrection,” said Banda.
The educationist further stated that: “Observably, while the book is predominantly in English there is a fusion of some African languages syntactic rules and phrases.
However, readers will be able to easily capture the meanings as the text engages with their power of imagination.

Banda rose to stardom in 2014 with a theatrical production in Mzuni HIV and Aids movie dubbed ‘Alufeyo’ depicting the realities of a university life.