Malawi Tops In Strengthening Condom Programming

Malawi has made commendable strides in strengthening stewardship of the comprehensive condom program.
The call for strengthened condom programming is also heightened by the increased pregnancies among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) despite the falling incidence in the same age group discussed in a session this afternoon.
This was revealed on the sidelines of the International AIDS Conference (ICASA) where countries participating in the Global Fund Condom Strategic Initiative (SI) sat with global and regional UNAIDS and UNFPA officials to take stock of the gains made during the 18 months of implementing the initiative.
Addressing the media forum for HIV and Aids Journalists, the Public Relations Officer for the National Aids Commission (NAC) Karen Msiska stated that by strengthened the stewardship has led to improved distribution and demand creation for condoms and lubricants which has in turn led to improved access and demand for the commodities among the target populations.
The NAC Publicist states that this falls in line with the country’s goal aimed at eliminating new HIV infections by 2030.
“The country’s programme stewardship performance was at 71% at the baseline of the condom SI in 2021, the performance has peaked to 91%, which represents an improvement by 20 percentage points,” said
He further outlined that is the biggest improvement among the four participating countries, the others being Uganda, Zambia and Mozambique adding that the success was made possible with funding from the Global Fund and through the leadership of National AIDS Commission (NAC).
NAC is collaborating with various stakeholders and partners, including the Ministry of Health, UNAIDS, USAID, World Vision Malawi, AIDS Healthcare Foundation, Family Health Services and Banja la Mtsogolo, on this initiative.
Correct and consistent condom use provides triple protection against HIV, other STIs and unintended pregnancies.
Meanwhile, Malawi has cone top on performance with catalysis from the Condom Strategic Initiative following the baseline program stewardship performance which was at 71% and now closing in at 91% translating to a 20% improvement; the biggest improvement among the 4 participating countries.