US$350 Million MCC Compact 2 In Force – Chakwera

President Lazarus Chakwera says the US$350 million Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Compact 2, also known as Malawi Transport and Land Compact, is now in force.

Chakwera is in the United States of America where he is attending the US-Africa Business Summit in Dallas, Texas, from May 6th to 7th, 2024.

Chakwera say soon, construction will commence of four road corridors across the country under the Increased Land Productivity Project.

“Up North there will be upgrading of the 67km stretch from Chikwawa (Rumphi) to Euthini (Mzimba), in the Central region from Mkanda (Mchinji) to Mwase/Linga (Kasungu) a distance of 88kms and another 53kms in Lilongwe from Chileka to Chigwirizano via Phiri la Njuzi and Malingunde.

” The Eastern Region will see upgrading of the 79km-stretch from Chamtulo in Mangochi (off Golomoti to Monkey Bay road) to Mkutumula near Balaka Market in Ntcheu”,He said.

The corridor roads will facilitate greater flow of agricultural products from farms to markets.

Secondly, the compact will build Malawi’s capacity in land management reforms to maximize land revenue both for rural farmers and the national economy.

He says his delegation and and him attended the official inauguration of the Compact in Texas.

In reciprocation, MCC chief executive officer Ms. Alice Albright will later this month join us in Malawi for official groundbreaking of one of these landmark projects.

Source-State House