Finally PDP Launches, Focused On Rural Development For Economic Transformation

The People’s Development Party (PDP) says it will ensure that fair and equal opportunities are given to all Malawians regardless of their colours, religion or race.

PDP interim president, Kondwani Nankhumwa highlighted on poverty eradication through rural development and youth and women empowerment, receiving a positive feedback from the public, with many expressing hope that the party will bring about real change in the country’s economic landscape.

Nankhumwa was speaking at Masintha Ground in Lilongwe during the official launch of the party which was attended by thousands of supporters, signaling a strong start to the party’s campaign ahead of the upcoming elections.

He said youth and women empowerment through massive teacher recruitment will be one of the bases for tangible employment opportunities unlike re-engagement of already retired public officers which only frustrates the youthful public workforce.

“People’s Development Party will prioritize poverty eradication through rural development by among others reviving the Agriculture Development Division (ADMARC) and ensure a good road network across the country opening it up to markets.,” said Nankhumwa.

On entrepreneurship, the PDP leader said those who have reached retirement age should leave offices and establish businesses that will employ others, calling on vendors to desist from accepting luncheons with the state president while alleging that the State House employees are abusing the loan opportunities at the National Economic Empowerment Fund (NEEF).

“It is sad that employees at the State House have been accorded an opportunity to get hefty loans at NEEF at the expense of vendors who are struggling to sustain their meager business capitals,” said Nankhumwa.

The deposed Leader of Opposition in Parliament also bemoaned the corrupt tendencies creating chaos in the administering of the Social Cash Transfer program while proposing public service headquarters offices to be situated across the country to avoid biased infrastructure growth and development.

He then called on Malawians to consider ushering into the office of president a youthful and energetic leader if the country is to economically grow and embrace meaningful democracy.

Meanwhile, PDP which will go to its inaugural national convention in September this year has challenged to win the two forthcoming local government by-elections to be held in Blantyre city and Mangochi district.