Empowering Future Leaders: Manson Institute’s Book Translation Program Shapes Malawi’s Next Generation

In an effort to achieve and sustain an innovative approach aimed at providing access to quality education in promoting freedom, entrepreneurship, and critical thinking in Malawi Manson Institute for Leadership Education (MILE) is contributing in bridging the gap through its book translation and publication program.

For instance, MILE has donated over 1000 classical liberal texts to students, libraries, and schools which is a significant contribution to inspiring a new generation of leaders to think critically about freedom, entrepreneurship, and society.

Despite limited access to quality education and resources hindering Malawi’s development and future prosperity MILE’s book translation and publication program continues to empowers students to become future leaders.

Provided more than 1000 classical liberal texts donated to students, libraries, and sschools of with 500 texts books channeled to college libraries, 500 to secondary school libraries, 200 in primary schools while 600 books went direct in students’ hands

One of the learners at Mzimba Community Day Secondary school, Abigail Lungu hailed the initiative saying that it has greatly inspired critical thinking debates among students hence shaping future leaders with ideas and perspectives that promote freedom and prosperity.

“These books have opened my mind to new possibilities and inspired me to think differently about my role in shaping the future of Malawi in line with the national Agenda 2063.” Said Lungu (Student recipient)

The MILE Coordinator, Paul Banda made an appeal to the youths and other stakeholders to join the movement and support MILE’s efforts to empower the next generation of leaders in Malawi.

“Together, we can create a more informed, engaged, and prosperous society next generation of leaders while networking for a free society,” said Banda.

Banda further stated that Manson Institute for Leadership Education, believes that knowledge is power hence focused on cultivating the next generation for a prosperous society ,equipping them with the right knowledge which is is key to socioeconomic development.

He also acknowledged that since knowledge is hidden in the books MILE’s snap survey revealed that most young people haven’t gone to school, meaning that they cannot read the text books in their original language (English) hence translation into the local language to inspire them to take part in changing the landscape of ideas.

To MILE’s credit, four books have been translated which are: the foundation of a free society by Eamon Butler, Morality of Capitalism, After the Welfare State by Tom G Palmer, The Journey of Jonathan Gullible and The Free Market Odyssey by Ken Schoolland.