Kenani’s Paul Banda Fundraiser Nets Over K14m

The Sir Paul Banda fundraising activity Initiated by Onjezani Kenani has come to an end, amassing K14,150,950. 00 in total.

Writing on his Facebook page, Kenani said the funds will be handed over to Sir Paul Banda today (Thursday) in the morning at 10:00 am.

Kenani expressed profound thanks to all those who contributed their hard-earned money to help the legend.

“One man, from Rumphi, sent K750 and said, “That is all I can manage, but I’m deeply touched.” Another, from Lilongwe, sent us K1 million and requested to remain anonymous. We were deeply grateful to every single contributor no matter the amount,” Kenani writes.

Kenani extended his deepest gratitude to Pilirani Semu, who broached the idea on her social media pages, as well as Mr. Raphael Kamoto for working hard behind the scenes to lobby his network of friends who weighed in massively.

He also in a special way recognized his younger brother, Blasto Kenani, for accepting to use his mobile money accounts to collect donations.

Onjezani Kenani organiser

“I kindly asked audit firms to volunteer to have a quick look at my bank statements and the mobile money accounts to give the public assurance that we have handed over all the money donated through me. Unfortunately, no audit firm has come forward to offer services on a voluntary basis. Nonetheless, the offer remains,” he added.

The Balaka based musical icon has been battling with kidney problems together with his younger brother, Lucius who died a few weeks ago.