Malawians Mourn Great Icon – Soldier Lucius Banda

Malawians went to bed shocked on Sunday, hearing about another tragic event among those that have already broken their hearts during this year’s (2024) month of June.

The nation has indeed suffered great losses, including the passing of the state vice president, Saulos Klaus Chilima, former first Lady Shanil Dzimbiri, and seven others in a plane crash at Nthungwa in Chikangawa Forest.

Additionally, on Sunday, 30th June 2024 the music industry has also been deeply impacted by the loss of Soldier Lucius Banda, a well-known figure who succumbed to kidney failure in a hospital in Johannesburg, South Africa.

His son Jonny confirmed to both: local and international media about his father’s demise but could not divulge more information.

“It is true, my father has died,” said Jonny.

Banda, who was not only a giant in the music circles but also a UTM member and advisor on youths to President Lazarus Chakwera, leaves behind a legacy that will be remembered by many.

Banda’s music played a significant role in championing good governance since 1990s, the time when Malawians started crying louder calling for a multiparty system of government against Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda’s tyranny.

Writing on his Facebook page, the president of the Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) Enoch Chihana said while the nation is still mourning here comes another demise that has hurt so much.

“Soldier Hon Lucius Banda through Zembani Music has produced great musicians in this nation of Malawi. His music has shaped the destiny of our political fibre. Malawi has lost a great icon,” write Chihana.

Meanwhile, the Musicians Union of Malawi president Vita Chirwa has described the death of legendary musician as a huge blow not only to the music industry but to the entire Malawi nation.