Thandizo Nottingham Association Hosts Vibrant Family Sports Day Event

Nottingham, 27th July 2024 – The Thandizo Nottingham Association, a registered charity representing Malawian communities in Nottingham in the United Kingdom (UK) and a chapter of the Malawi UK Association, hosted an exuberant Family Sports Day on Saturday.

A seven hour event,, held from 1 PM to 8 PM, UK time showcased the rich cultural heritage and unity of the Malawian community.

Chairperson of the organizing committee Benedict Limbani said attendees reveled in a diverse lineup of activities, fostering joy and camaraderie

“Distinguished guests, including a local Councillor Anwar MD Khan and a supportive police team, joined in the festivities which is a clear testimony of commitment to the cause” said Limbani.

Community Policing team engaging with youth

Notably, the Malawi Heritage UK team traveled from Manchester City to participate enthusiastically.

Speaking to Malawi Daily Telegraph, Allan Mandindi who leads the Malawi Heritage UK could not hide his profound joy to be part of the event which he described as ‘a great one’ appreciating the Nottingham community’s event (Family Sports Day) at Hyson Green Park.

“I was really honoured to be invited on behalf of Malawi Heritage UK, it was also great meeting local Councillor Khan who came to support the event,” said Mandindi.

Mandindi went on thanking the Thandizo Nottingham committee for organising such a great community event.

Also, the event facilitated cultural exchange, as communities from different nations gathered to savor delicious Malawian cuisine and learn about our traditions. Collaborating with these diverse groups strengthened bonds, left lingering in the minds as unforgettable memories.

In his remarks, Councillor Anwar expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all participants who contributed to the success of the Family Sports describing it as a symbol of unity, culture, and community spirit.