MEC Courts CSOs On Electoral Preparations

Mzuzu, Malawi – August 9, 2024: The Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has initiated a collaborative effort with accredited Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to ensure the upcoming tripartite elections in September 2025 are conducted in a credible, free, and fair manner.

Speaking at the engagement, MEC Commissioner Dr. Limbikani Sara Kamlongera emphasized the importance of impartiality, urging CSO leaders with political affiliations to recuse themselves from the process.

Kamlongera stressed that Malawians expect CSOs to discharge their mandate in accordance with the electoral laws governing parliamentary, presidential, local government, and referenda elections.

The MEC’s move aims to foster transparency, accountability, and trust in the electoral process, ensuring that the voices of all Malawians are represented.

“By working together with CSOs, the commission seeks to promote a level playing field for all political contestants and guarantee the integrity of the elections,” said Kamlongera.

As Malawi prepares for this critical democratic exercise, the MEC’s commitment to collaboration and fairness sets a positive tone for a peaceful and inclusive electoral process.

The Executive Director for Phunzirani Development Organization (PDO) Kinear Mlowoka hailed MEC for enlighting CSOs on some amended electoral legal provisions that will contribute to accurate electoral service delivery in next year’s tripartite elections.

“This workshop has acquainted us with the knowledge on some amended legal provisions that are crucial in complimenting the electoral justice delivery ahead of next year’s presidential, parliamentary and local government elections,” said Mlowoka.

This Strategic Plan presents the Malawi Electoral Commission’s aspirational framework for the delivery of credible elections under the laws of Malawi with a view to entrenching democracy and implementing all activities in a free, fair, transparent, efficient, cost effective and inclusive manner considering the social-economic, legal and electoral environment as well as the general operational plan for the 2025 General Election.