Youth Disappointment as Engineer Vitumbiko Mumba Misses MCP 1st Deputy President Spot

Lilongwe, Malawi – August 10, 2024: A wave of frustration has swept through the youth wing of the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) following Engineer Vitumbiko Mumba’s unsuccessful bid for the party’s 1st Deputy President position.

The elective convention, currently underway at the Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe, has left many young political followers who enthusiastically embraced Mumba’s’ People Over Politics’ agenda disheartened.

Mumba, known for his innovative approach to politics, had garnered significant backing mainly from the youth, who saw him as a beacon of hope for a new political era.

Third year communities studies Mzuzu University students Yolamu Kaunda and Emily Jere could not hide their frustrations stating that Mumba’s unique style and vision resonated deeply with young Malawians, who believed he would bring a refreshing change to the country’s political landscape.

“We are disappointed, but not surprised,” said Emily Jere, a young MCP supporter. “Engineer Mumba represented the change we desperately need. His loss is a setback, but we won’t give up.”

Another student Yolamu Kaunda chipped by taking it to his Twitter account expressing discontent while praising Mumba’s courage and dedication to introducing a new political culture. “Engineer Mumba may not have won, but he has won our hearts,” tweeted @MalawiYouth.

However, despite the setback, it is likely that most Mumba’s supporters still remains optimistic to continue pushing for political reforms . As the convention continues with Mumba himself having urged them to remain engaged and focused on driving positive change.

Some political analysts in their opinions said the outcome of the MCP elective convention is expected to shape the party’s trajectory ahead of future elections. While Engineer Mumba may not have secured the 1st Deputy President position, his impact on Malawi’s youth is undeniable, and his legacy is likely to end.

Congratulating the Speaker of the National Assembly, Madam Catherine Gotani Hara for her triumph, a social media influencer, Yamikani Nicholas Kachingwe said he personally was looking for Vitumbiko Augeans Mumba to secure the seat.

“He is a great politician full of atmost importance in all senses. He came, he saw and conquered regardless of the defeat and to me he is a winner. Signed, Sealed and delivered by Yamikani Nicholas Kachingwe of Chinthope Village, T/A Njewa, Area 58, Chitipi in Lilongwe,” he writes on his Facebook page.

Analyzing on Times radio and television a reputable journalist, Bayana Chunga told the viewers that Mumba is the beacon of hope which the MCP should keep close if the lost hope among many youths should not be a complete frustration.

“Mumba is a very important political icon in the MCP’s rebranding process , he brought in a very unique perspective on the party’s political front, they should not complicate matters if the seemingly frustrated youths should be kept close,” said Chunga.

In his message posted on a number of social media platforms, Mumba demonstrated his democratic values stating that: “delegates have spoken and congratulations to those that made it today. What matters most is to respect the decision of the delegates and continue serving the party as always. Thank you all for your support and Prayers. I don’t take it for granted. May God bless you all,”

Based on the current political landscape and MCP’s strategic moves, it’s likely that the party will continue to utilize Mumba’s political expertise and influence, potentially leveraging his network and experience to bolster their future endeavors.

However, the extent of Mumba’s political involvement remains speculative, dependent on internal party dynamics and strategic decisions, only time will reveal the precise role he will play in MCP’s future aspirations.