FCR Hails SADC Major Step Towards Ending Child Marriage


Mzuzu, Malawi – The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has made a significant stride towards ending child marriage in the region with the launch of a model law aimed at domesticating child marriage laws.

The recent meeting in Lusaka, Zambia followed the SADC Model Law on Eradicating Child Marriage, launched at the Summit in Lilongwe, Malawi which provides a framework for member states to adopt and implement laws that prohibit child marriage.

The Foundation for Children’s Rights, Jenipher Mkandawire said the Child marriage is a pervasive issue in the SADC region, where one in three girls is married before the age of 18, a practice which has serious consequences for girls’ health, education, and economic opportunities.

“The model law sets a minimum age of 18 for marriage and provides for the protection of children from forced and early marriages. It also outlines measures for providing support to victims of child marriage and holding perpetrators accountable,” said Mkandawire.

However, Mkandawire pointed out that Malawi would have done much better if it borrowed the leaf from the Zambian government where all girls in schools are provides with free sanitary pads for easy management of menstrual issues.

During the summit in Zambia, the SADC Secretary General, Elias Magosi, said the model law was a crucial step towards ending child marriage in the region.

“We cannot afford to let our children continue to suffer the devastating consequences of child marriage. This model law provides a powerful tool for our member states to take action and protect the rights of our children.” Said Magosi.

The launch of the model law was welcomed by Memory Kachambwa, Executive Director of the Women’s Legal Resources Centre in Malawi, a human rights organizations and and activist who have been pushing for stronger laws to prevent child marriages.

“This is a major victory for the rights of girls and women in the SADC region. We look forward to working with governments to ensure that this model law is adopted and implemented across the region.”

The SADC Model Law on Eradicating Child Marriage is a significant step towards achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030.

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