Matthews Mtumbuka Announces Presidential Bid for UTM Party


In a significant development, esteemed professional Matthews Mtumbuka has declared his intention to join active politics, seeking to contest for the presidency of the UTM party.

With a wealth of experience in the corporate sector across various countries, Mtumbuka is confident that his expertise will enable him to steer Malawi towards a brighter future.

Mtumbuka, then officially announced his candidacy for the UTM party presidency, presenting a bold vision for the party and Malawi’s future, rooted in hard work, unity, execution, and results-driven leadership.

He emphasized that every Malawian, regardless of background, age, ethnicity, or region, can rise to the highest level of leadership.

Addressing a press conference on Tuesday, Mtumbuka in the capital city, Lilongwe’ he emphasized the need for Malawi to transition from idea generation to implementation, fostering development and prosperity for all citizens describing his decision to join politics as a calling driven by a sense of duty, loyalty, and purpose.

Outlining his transformative agenda, Mtumbuka a Catholic by faith pledged to revitalize the health, education, agriculture, and mining sectors, which he believes are crucial for economic growth and national transformation. He also vowed to empower youths, who have been neglected for too long, by providing training, employment, and opportunities to shape the nation’s future.

Meanwhile, he has made an appeal to UTM members for their votes as the party prepares for its convention on November 17 while also paying tribute to the late former Vice President Saulos Klaus Chilima, describing him as the “best president Malawi never had.”

This development marks a significant shift in Malawi’s political landscape, as Mtumbuka brings his corporate expertise to the forefront of political discourse.

His candidacy is expected to generate considerable interest and debate in the lead-up to the UTM party convention.

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