RDP Upscales Clean Water Accessibility Interventions

A non-profit making organization, Rural Development Partners (RDP) have intensified efforts aimed at providing clean water to vulnerable communities that need it in Mzimba District.
The RDP’s intensification of the water access project runs in tandem with the Water and Sanitation Network program signifying the impact on improving the lives of rural inhabitants.
Speaking after commissioning a K10.5 million clean water access point (borehole) which has 3 taps serving about 500 people at Luhomero in Mzimba District founder of a charitable organization, ‘Love a Village’ of Canada, Julie Seath said access to clean water is crucial for various aspects of life, including health, sanitation, and agriculture.
“Access to clean water for all is a global priority, as highlighted in both the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),” Seath said.
Seath further said this demonstrates the commitment of governments and various development partners to tackle water-related challenges and ensure that all individuals have access to safe and clean water by 2030.

In his remarks the RDP Executive Director Daniel Nyirenda underscored the need to get Agenda 2063 well executed as initiated by the African Union outlining a collective vision.
“A community whose development is people-driven, relying on the potential of its people, especially its women and youth, and caring for children is what we are advocating, aligned with the Agenda 2063, the United Nations’ SDGs, specifically Goal-6 which aims to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Nyirenda said.
Nyirenda added that this enabler emphasizes the importance of providing clean water, sanitation facilities, and promoting hygiene practices to improve people’s well-being and support socio-economic development.
Group Village Headman Zebedia Thawe commended Love a Village of Canada saying it is encouraging to see an international framework driving efforts to prioritize access to clean water hoping that initiatives like the one by the Water and Sanitation Network and Rural Development Partners contribute significantly to achieving these goals.
In an interview, Wash programs cordinator at Mzimba North District Council, Chitatata Luhanga assured that they provide chlorine to people in communities that are yet to receive portable water supply systems.
“Apart from intensifying awareness complementing the ‘Tithetse Cholera campaign’, we are also providing chorine to people that live in areas that still access unclean water. This has come in the wake of resurgence of 13 new cholera cases in Mzimba district,” he said.
The initiative consumed Love a Village’s funds through RDP amounting to K10.5 million kwacha. The organisation anticipates to proceed with similar projects at Kamwe and Engucwini areas in the district by mid-next year.