FCR Empowering Communities, Combating Gender-Based Violence In Mzimba and Nkhata-bay

The Foundation for Children’s Rights (FCR) has embarked on a transformative journey aimed to address the pervasive issue of Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) and create safer spaces for women and girls.

Through Social Action Analysis, community members will be gathering to discuss the root causes of SGBV, share personal stories, and collectively seek solutions.

Theses spaces foster empathy, understanding, and resilience complements to the recent UNDP’s Spotlight Initiative also aligning seamlessly with the UNDP’s Spotlight Initiative, a global campaign to eliminate violence against women and girls.

By targeting men as advocates, the FCR ensures a holistic approach considering that mostly men become allies, challenging harmful norms and promoting gender equality hence their involvement becomes pivotal, echoing recommendations from various United Nations agency reports.

Jennifer Mkandawire, FCR’s Executive Director, emphasizes collaboration crediting the Ministry of Gender and the Social Welfare offices for their unwavering support.

“The Ministry of Gender through the Social Welfare offices and other development partners have always been supportive, this is the linchpin in reducing social challenges that hinder the socioeconomic growth of women and girls in both Mzimba and Nkhata Bay districts,” said Mkandawire.

Mkandawire further stated that Mzimba and Nkhata-bay are among the districts with high cases of gender-based violence hence needs serious activism as, they stand at a crossroads. Challenges persist, but hope burns bright.

“With FCR’s commitment and the community’s resolve, change is within reach. Together, they pledge to create a safer, more equitable future—one where every girl can dream without fear, and every woman can thrive,” she added.

Commenting on the progress of Gender Based Violence cases in Mzimba District the Coalition for the Empowerment of Women and Girls executive director Beatrice Mateyu said there’s need to continue raising awareness on the evils of GBV.

“We must continue engaging different stakeholders, including traditional leaders to be champions in the fight against GBV. Currently, we are trying different ways to eradicate GBV in Mzimba where we are sensitising people about GBV and how they can prevent and report cases.” Said Mateyu.

Recently, Mzimba District Gender Officer, Naomi Mwale challenged stakeholders, including chiefs to continue championing interventions aimed to eliminate gender-based violence (GBV) in the district.

Speaking in an interview, Mwale said from January to October last year, Mzimba recorded 1 428 GBV cases of which 1 170 of the cases involved females while 258 involved males.

“The cases include sexual abuse, child marriages, child pregnancy, physical and emotional abuses, neglect, trafficking and economic abuse,” said Mwale.

The FCR’s Bold Initiative “Addressing Sexual Gender-Based Violence Project” is more than just a six month project; it’s a lifeline for those affected by gender based violence in Mzimba and Nkhata-bay districts, funded to a tune of Mk70 million by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).