Mphepo Is The Cancer In DPP – NGC Members

Former ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) National Governing Council (NGC) members, Ken Msonda and Joe Thomas Nyirongo have called the party leadership to immediately expell or summon for discipline its administrative secretary, Francis Mphepo.
Msonda who is the Deputy Director of Research and Training, and Nyirongo who is the Director of Operations in the party warned that failure to stop Mphepo’s schemes characterized by unconstitutional appointments of friends into important positions will only ruin the party’s chances of forming government in 2025.
The purported Mphepo’s clandestine activities are said to have come into the limelight following the appointment of three members into the party’s rank and file, namely; Miriam Chimbalanga, Thomson Kamangira and Ephraim Mganda Chiume who has been appointed as the party’s Deputy Secretary General without the blessing of the full quorum of the party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) or the NGC.
Msonda who travelled all the way from Lilongwe to Mzuzu to address the media, revealed that some selfish senior party officials are planning to introduce the position of acting party president which they want to give to the former Reserve Bank Governor, Dalitso Kabambe who is not eligible to hold any senior party position since he joined the party just a few months ago.
“It is very unfortunate that some individuals in the party are deliberately pulling the party into chaotic situations aimed at bringing confusion and divisions.
“The NGC has its own quorum and not a purported few boys who are time and again waking up from their sleeping slumbers with the usual sinister motives of raping the party constitution hence further dividing our party,” Sonda said.
In view of this, the Director of Research and Training pleaded with the party leadership to quickly elect a National Convention organizing Committee to finalize preparations for the elective Convention slated for July where delegates will elect and ratify appointments of the right office bearers who will steer the party onto the right track in preparation for the 2025 General Election.
In his remarks the Director of Operations, Nyirongo wondered why Mphepo could be so desperate to appoint some party cadres into positions when the convention is just five months away.
“With only five (5) months before the party goes to the Convention it is irregular, not logical at all for anyone to think of appointing people into office through dubious means, let Democracy lead the way,” Nyirongo said.

During the press conference Msonda also registered his ambition to contest on the position of party vice president for the northern region bringing the number of those aspiring for the position to three following Mganda Chiume and member of Parliament for Rumphi North, Jappie Mhango.