Government Under Pressure For New 2nd Hand Vehicle Taxation Mechanisms

Finance minister Sosten Gwengwe has called for an interface meeting with second hand motor vehicle traders as one way of trying to sort out misunderstanding that has arisen in the wake of publication of new system of clearing such vehicles with the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA).

The meeting which is slated for Friday, July 7th at Capitol Hill in Lilongwe is expected to draw three regional representatives of the second hand vehicle traders from each region reads part of an invitation the Malawi Daily Telegraph has sourced.

The Customs and Excise (Tariffs) (Amendment) (No 4) Order 2023 on second hand motor vehicles which has been published in the Gazette, has sparked controversy with traders saying the arrangement is prohibitive and killing their business.

The Executive Director of Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC), Gift Trapence, welcomes the interface saying “It is our expectation that other key players, directly or indirectly concerned will also be invited for this interface.

It is also our expectation that the meeting will not just be a window dressing rather will address the outcry of Malawians on taxation on importation of vehicles.”

There are huge expectations that government will not go ahead with the implementation of the punitive gazetted taxes which many observers says lacked proper consultations.