Malawi Now Ranked 7th Best Governed African Country

The World Economics Governance (WEG) Index 2023 report has placed Malawi among the best ten governed African countries.
Mauritius tops the list as the best governed country in Africa, with Malawi coming on position seven.
Commenting on the development, good governance commentator Moses Mkandawire says Malawi is on the right track and calls on the government to sustain the gains made by continuing with its anti-corruption drive.
“Some of the key takeaways from the 2023 World Justice Project (WJP) Rule of Law Index regarding Malawi include global Ranking on which Malawi is ranked 69th out of 142 countries worldwide in terms of the rule of law,” Mkandawire said
The governance commentator further stated that on regional performance in Sub-Saharan Africa, Malawi is the 8th out of 34 countries while among other Factors, Malawi’s performance across, constraints on government powers to which it is ranked 7th regionally played a crucial role.
“On Fundamental Rights, ranked 6th regionally while on civil Justice bucked the trend and saw an improvement in its score,” he added.
However, Malawi’s global trends to the rule of law has eroded globally for the 6th consecutive year, with declines in fundamental rights and justice systems.