UTM Unmoved With DPP-MCP Early Campaign Trails

The growing tensions and exchanges of words between key political figures suggest that the political landscape is becoming increasingly polarized and competitive with parties positioning themselves for the upcoming elections, leaders vying for the attention and support of the electorate, using every opportunity to promote their agendas while criticizing their opponents.

With the rhetoric becoming sharper and the competition fiercer, Malawians are witnessing a heightened level of political drama and intrigue promising to be filled with heated debates, strategic maneuvers, and intense campaigning as various parties vie for power and influence in the country’s dynamic political landscape.

While the stage looks set for a thrilling and closely watched political contest, a telephone interview on Friday evening with the UTM spokesperson Felix Njawala highlighted the party’s commitment to strategic planning and adherence to unique approach in engaging with the electorate.

Njawala said the UTM Party has its own distinct model of operating and campaigning, which is based on proper planning, objectivity, and staying true to the party’s core values.

“The UTM Party will not engage in an unplanned campaign trail without proper preparation, this underscores our emphasis on systematic and thorough planning on political activities. We value strategic and well-thought-out approaches when campaigning, rather than following trends or succumbing to external pressures,” said Njawala.

Furthermore, Njawala dwelled mich on Saulos Chilima’s leadership style as one that prioritizes reflection of the UTM Party’s values and objectives suggesting a steadfast commitment to maintaining the party’s identity and principles.

“Let Chilima continue being portrayed as a leader who remains true to his and UTM vision which does not easily get swayed from the path that set out,” he added.

He also said the UTM Party says it’s president, Saulos Chilima will address the nation at an appropriate time, irrespective of the fact that other party leaders have already gone full throttle, actively campaigning outside the official campaign period underscoring the party’s determination to engage with the people and communicate its vision and policies, regardless of the campaign timeline

However, this move raises eyebrows among other political observers who views it as an attempt to gain an early advantage in the political landscape.

Commenting on Chilima’s long silence, a Mzuzu based political observer, Yosefe Misinde said by highlighting the importance of objectivity and adherence to UTM’s unique model of doing things, Njawala’s statement underscores the party’s dedication to maintaining its identity and upholding its values amidst the rapidly evolving political landscape.

Misinde further stated that the commitment to principled leadership and strategic planning sets parties apart and showcases their focused and intentional approach to political engagements.

“In a political environment where trends and events can easily influence decision-making, UTM’s stance on careful planning and objectivity demonstrates a commitment to staying true to its core principles and operating in a manner that is consistent with the party’s values reflecting a strong sense of purpose and discipline within the party, setting the stage for a thoughtful and strategic campaign in line with objectives and vision for the future,” said Misinde.

Currently, former leader, Peter Mutharika who is president of the main opposition, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and president Lazarus Chakwera have already started exchanging words, clearly signaling the heating up of Malawi’s political arena.

Meanwhile, former President Peter Mutharika, who currently leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and President Lazarus Chakwera have already started exchanging words, signaling an escalation in the political rivalry between them and their respective parties.

The verbal sparring between Mutharika and Chakwera is a clear indication that the stakes are high and the competition is intensifying as the country gears up for the next election cycle.