Our Guest Of The Week Amb Dr Chikas Kumle Official Candidate for PDP

Amb (Dr) Chikas Kumle is a young Nigerian politician and activist. She will be standing in the 2023 General election on People’s Democratic Party PDP ticket in federal constituency of of Panskshin, Kenke, Kanam.
This week she has officially transformed from an aspirant to a candidate in the forthcoming primary elections of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). This is so because she has taken another step in the ongoing journey towards the actualisation of her dream to be a true representative of the good people of PANKSHIN, KENKE, KANAM (PKK) .

Amb (Dr) Chikas Kumle earned this official status of a candidate/contender for the flag of the PDP after picking her nomination form at Wadata Plaza Abuja this week. Given her widespread acceptance and the array of endorsements she has continued to receive from the electorates across the length and breadth of PKK, Chikas remains the best and most viable candidate to crush any candidate that the failed APC will present for the seat of PKK in the 2023 general elections.
Consultations and mobilisation of massive support for the PDP shall continue until the process is concluded and good governance/power returns to the people.
To support her campaign.